The Internationalization Challenge Map
The Products
- Account Management
- Local Representation
- Coordination with HQs
- Meet & Greet/Logistics
The Challenge
Circuits of capital
still pass by Africa on
their way to other
frontier markets*
The Solution
Use the collaborative office model to
provide DFIs with ICT & logistical resources
to establish a permanent presence and rapid response unit in North America
The Ideal
Fully operational DFI branches
in North America to carry out business development & investor relations activities
The Challenge
With internationalization
still considered a priority,
Africa's national investment
& export promotion agencies
are ill-equipped to artfully conduct commercial
The Solution
To hire African diaspora in
North America, providing them with
avenues to contribute to the continent's
growth via their under-utilized
roles as cultural brokers**
The Products
- Account Management
- North American Representation
- Coordination with Head Office
- Meet & Greet/Logistics
The Ideal
Africa's investment & export promotion activities semi-autonomously supporting commercial diplomacy via
private-sector driven units in developed countries
* The Circuit of capital is a time-variant; where money capital, productive capital, and
commodity capital, in turn, replace each other. Capital in circulation mostly goes
to industrialization, production of goods, and trade in commodities.
** A cultural broker is, typically, one that intercedes on behalf of one group
to another. Cultural brokers are at the heart of international business, and ambassadors
represent the epitome of cultural brokerage. Nonetheless, at whatever level, brokers represent
their country and culture to others, and in today's commercial diplomacy space--combined
with the prevalence of social media--there are numerous opportunities for individuals
to serve as cultural brokers.